Thursday, December 2, 2010

The perils of a desk job, and long commute, and sleeping in a ball, and not practicing yoga enough:

I still don't know which one it is that hurts.
(Upper-leg graphic via via

Well, one of the perils, anyway, is that your hip flexors will shorten. Sorta like wearing spike heels all the time can shorten the Achilles tendon.

I practiced yoga at the studio on Sunday and went to the chiropractor Monday, where she worked on my left hip a little bit. My left shoulder was achy, like usual, after I left and on into Tuesday. What surprised me Tuesday was an ache in my upper left leg, near the [insert technical/anatomical name here] crease. (It's true; all of the issues in my tissues are on the left side.)

I figured I'd slept funny. Meh. I did some lunge-type stretching at my desk when I got to work. It was still bugging me Wednesday morning, and I figured I might have aggravated it with the previous stretching. Smart girl that I am, I walked 1.66 miles while running errands on my lunch. Wake up this morning (Thursday) and it hurts so badly that I briefly consider calling in sick.

But who calls in sick with a hurt hip?? I popped a bunch (OK, just 800 mg) of Advil and came on my merry way to work. It took the edge off, for a while. I took 600 mg about two hours ago. And I've had a heating pad on it most of the day.

(It occurs to me that the heating pad is doing exactly what I took the Advil to prevent - increasing blood flow to the area. Ice probably would have been a better bet. But it's coooooold!)

So I'm debating whether to take class tonight or not. I mean, it hurts to walk (but only because my default stride is a long stride, I think). I've been trying to take these goofy, short little steps while walking around the office today, and it doesn't hurt too bad. But how does one take class in a way that doesn't stretch the hip and front of the thigh? There's definitely a pulled muscle, and it's not at the "Just give it a gentle stretch and see how it feels" stage, not yet.

Guess I'll work on my shoulders, and forward bends. YAY. (Can you hear the sarcasm, people?)

So far, my only real experience taking class while injured has been with back problems. I've never had a front problem... How do you take class with an injury?



  1. You can take class, just talk to the teacher beforehand and tell them your situation. There are certain modifications on postures you can do if needed, and of course you can sit out certain postures if need be. But it's definitely a smart idea to go to class.

  2. I know you've got a lot going on in your body, but have you considered that it's a back problem, i.e. a nerve problem? Maybe the chiropractor tweaked something. I only say this because the first symptom of my disc protrusion was what I was sure was shin splints on my left leg.

    When injured, or just when I'm not at 100%, I take class one minute at a time, and don't listen to any of the thoughts like "well, I should be able to go down deeper, since I did yesterday..." I just go for what's actually available and pull waaaaay back on my edge.

    Good luck with it!

  3. Thanks, you guys! The comments were sent to my phone, so I read them right just before I headed to the studio, where I had to go anyway, as Thursdays are one of my regular work-study days. Of course, once I was there, I *had* to take class. :)

    G - I talked with the teacher, as usual. The only posture I absolutely couldn't do was the second side of standing bow. But I could hold my left ankle and reach my right arm up, so I did that. Triangle was interesting, but I tried it. My thigh felt so loose and happy by the time I got home. It was awesome! (It was stiff again this morning, but all that means is I need MORE YOGA.)

    C - Thanks for that insight/suggestion! If it's not better by Tuesday (so, one week since it started), I'll ask the chiro about that. I have a strong suspicion that misalignment (and subsequent nerve wonkiness) in my mid-back was linked to some digestive problems I had a few months ago.

    I really like the idea of taking class one minute at a time, and going for what's actually available. I think I was surprised at what was there!

    Thanks again, G and C.
